The creation and implementation of Project Hybrids came about serendipitous. Both Sonja Streck and Antoine Eole had been posting their work through Instagram, where they inadvertently discovered each other’s works. Realizing they had similar concerns and concepts they decided to collaborate.
Sonja began taking screen shots of Antoine’s work and then manipulating and superimposing her own ideas on to his, creating a new hybrid work. Antoine did likewise. They have also collaborated on original hybrids brainstorming together on ideas.
Multiple photo exposure of Sojna Streck’s painting overlaid with screenshots of Antoine Eole’s experimental sound and video works
Antoine Eole’s experimental sound and video works
Antoine Eole’s experimental sound and video works (view Antoine Eole’s other works as in da woods on Youtube)
Paintings by Sonja Streck
With her work, Sonja Streck asks the question: where are we at, as humans, as ‘feeling beings’ in a technological world that is increasingly replaced by artificial worlds? A world where we are being depersonalized to faceless, hybrid cyborgs, isolated in our homes, as the case was with the pandemic, so to speak, as a dry run for this scenario.
Where are our feelings, our need for closeness, love, security and togetherness in this increasingly frightening and at the same time fascinating brave new world.
All of these pressing questions inevitably led her to deal with the topic of AI. In Antoinè Eole’s works she found a soul mate whose works reflects and complements hers, which led to this collaborative project.
Paintings (from left to right)
- Isolation, 39cm x 33cm, mixed media collage, 2023
- Need, 190cm x 92cm, acrylic on tapestry, 2022
- Understanding, 120cm x100cm, acrylic on hardboard, 2024
- Connections, 120cm x100cm, acrylic on hardboard, 2024
- Bionic City, 120cm x100cm, acrylic on hardboard, 2024
- Touch, 120cm x120cm, acrylic on hardboard, 2024
- Obstacles, 99cm x39cm, acrylic on hardboard, 2023
Concept for a Multi-Media Installation